The Jesse Tree: A Christmas Devotional for Individuals, Couples & Families
The Jesse Tree Devotional is a special Christmas devotional that helps us focus on the upcoming birth of Jesus during the busy month of December. There are 24 devotionals that take us through the Bible, telling the wonderful stories in God’s remarkable plan to preserve a line out of which Jesus, the Messiah, would come. The concept of the “Jesse Tree” refers to an image found in the Old Testament.
A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
Isaiah 11:1 (NIV)
In this prophetic verse, we learn that Jesus will be born through the line of Jesse, the father of King David. There were many kings who ruled in Israel after King David who did not remain faithful to the One True God, leaving Israel devastated by its enemies. However, this verse promises that a shoot will come up from the “stump” of what was left of David’s kingdom and bear fruit. This Branch or “shoot” is Jesus!
As we prepare our hearts for celebrating the birth of Jesus, we will read a devotional each day and place an ornament that accompanies each story on a Jesse Tree. The devotional book includes suggestions for extending your understanding of each story and a set of printable ornaments.
Many ideas and recommendations for making your Jesse Tree experience extra meaningful can be found on our Facebook page:
The Jesse Tree: A Christmas Devotional.